I’d like to talk to you about Tessa Gelisio, not only a television presenter, but also a blogger and Italian ecologist.

From the beginning of her career, she has distinguished herself for her efforts in environmental protection and the safeguarding of local fauna, particularly animals at risk of extinction.


She is both Founder and President of the non-profit Planet Onlus organisation, an association whose aim is to develop environmental conservation projects and promote special actions for the ecosustainable development of the society in which we live.

In her blog, Ecocentrica, she gives practical do-it-yourself advice, helpful ways to create and use natural products for both personal and home care. She also provides good advice on choosing organic food and everyday products with low environmental impact, for taking care of yourself as well as your family. These suggestions save money, but above all else they are good for the environment.


Tessa also talks about wine and the positive health effects it can have.

Consumed in moderation, wine can improve circulation by dilating blood vessels, increasing good cholesterol levels in the blood and fortifying bones with its naturally-occurring minerals.

It is essential however, that wine be produced with respect for the environment and the local fauna living in the vineyards and surrounding forest..

How can one not agree with her?

We know all too well that everything we use in agricultural cultivation is transported from the soil to the table.
In this particular case, it also ends up in your glass.
For this reason, we are convinced that chemical substances (insecticides, pesticides and herbicides) should not be used, and should be replaced with the natural substances or products against plant diseases permitted by the organic method–for example, sulfur and copper.
Equally important is having respect for the local fauna and their habitats, which must be left in peace, protected and safeguarded.

How should this be achieved?

By leaving them as much uncontaminated space as possible to live in.
These are just a few of the points Tessa Gelisio and I have in common. For these reasons and for her contribution to the safeguarding of the environment and for her daily commitment to her objective, I have decided to present her with an adoption in my ‘Adopt a Row of Vines’ project. The prize is to be called ‘The Flight of the Dragonfly’, as the dragonfly is one of the symbols of my new label, based on sustainability and the notion of metamorphosis.
In this way, we will contribute together to safeguarding a unique territory and protect the knowledge required to produce a genuine Barolo DOCG.

The aim of this project is to safeguard and promote the territory and the winegrowing landscape of the Langhe, a UNESCO world heritage site.

For me, it is really important to guarantee the survival of small winemakers, the custodians of this territory, also via local sightseeing and cultural itineraries in our own beautiful corner of the Langhe, Monforte d’Alba.